Mentor2family offers

Couples therapy with one or two therapists

Couples therapy with one or two therapists Both too much in terms of conflicts and too little in terms of boredom can put the relationship to the test. But also more stationary problems can create tension: Children of diffferent marriages, lack of work-life balance on one or both, abuse, illness, etc. Through talks, your life values and priorities are clarified and action instructions are given on concrete conflict resolution.

Courses / learning sessions for expectant parents

We are among other things certified “Circle of Security” consultants. In addition, we have a 6 hour course: “Before we forma family” that is about to live as new, possibly united family.

Parental advice in relation to children / possibly grandchildren of all ages

i forhold til børn/ evt børnebørn i alle aldre.

Child therapy

We emphasize the child’s confidentiality, why we only involve the parents in the conversation as necessary. However, there will always be definitive and final conversation with the parents.

Therapy for young people

The pressure on young people already in primary school, but also in high school / HF etc. is rising. On the one hand, more responsibility must be taken on the other hand, role models are hard to see. The mentor role involves flexibility between therapy, coaching and mentoring - one thing the young person often experiences liberating.

Crisis aid, eg. deaths and divorces. Both content and the response to crises are individual. You can meet old long forgotten conflicts or experience something new that you have no experience with. The reaction can even come right behind one. Crises are turning points and a good "lawyer" through the crisis is a very big help for most people.

Special conditions

eg. cutting, eating disorders, autism, blind and deaf children, etc.